I Got Fired.
This was certainly a long time coming. Yes, I was fired from 4-h camp for bringing down the morale of AN ENTIRE STAFF. They should give out awards for that. Of course, I asked for a raise too, and that did not help with me keeping my job. So my whore boss spent all day looking for someone to take my place and getting my last paycheck before even telling me what was going on. I love how that place does everything behind a person's back including telling everyone that I quit so it makes them look better and makes me look like a douche for leaving everyone. They even told OTHER people that I was getting fired before I knew, the person who was getting canned. If anyone affiliated with that place is reading this, sorry but this is not slander, that is how things really went down. But getting fired was a blessing in disguise. Now I have more time to fuck around at home and hang out with people instead of listening to the constant bitching of smelly kids. So fuck that place, next time I ever see it will be when I buy it and tear the motherfucker down. The end.