
Story time

This was a story that I wrote in class about the possibility of cloning animals and how it just might catch on. Hope you enjoy.

Mrs. Bell quickly looked from one side to the other side of her Barkaloungerchair. Her soaps had ended, and Cecil, her pure Longhaired Himalayan cat, had not yet appeared for her usual nap along side her owner. Mrs. Bell clicked her tongue, hoping that the cat would realize what time it was and come scampering in the living room. "Now where could that cat be?" Mrs. Bell thought. She checked Cecil's usual hiding places, under the king sized bed, on blankets in the linen closet, and on the window cill that faced the sun. Cecil must have found somewhere else to lounge around. One place in particular popped into Mrs. Bell's head. The shoe closet must be where Cecil is hiding. She moved as fast as a senior citizen could, hoping to still surprise Cecil with a quick grab and a kiss. As soon as the sliding door opened, Mrs. Bell's jaw dropped. In a heap of cream colored fur, Cecil was in the final stages of rigimortis in the corner of the closet. Mrs. Bell put her hand over her mouth and said in a cal voice, "oh dear." Without even thinking, Mrs. Bell went to the phone and pushed the button for the first person on the speed dial. She waited for someone to pick up. "Hello, Dr. O' Brien? Yes, its me, Helen Bell. Yes...it's happened again. You'll? You'll send me over a new one tomorrow? Excellent! Could you put that on my account? Great, thank you so much. Mrs. Bell hung up the phone and got a plastic bag and a dustpan to go and dispose of Cecil number 46.


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