
I got a magic trick for you, Criss Angel.

God I hate this man so much. I'll start with his half emo, half I have to be different name that is, "Criss Angel." Gay. If your last name is Angel and you feel offended, change it, you're doing everyone a favor. He comes on the show saying how hes a "Mind Freak" and can read minds and all this other fruity junk. He's not a magician but rather an illusionist, but its pretty much the same deal. You make stuff disappear and other things that aren't real. Wow. Lame. Get off cable. I can honestly say I like nothing about him except the part when the show ends. What do you call it? Right, the credits. If you watch queer-ass Criss angel make a hotdog magically appear in his anus, you are dropping I.Q. points like slutty girls taking off clothes, fast. My solution, stop, just stop. But I do not have any qualms about guest starring on his show sometime in the future, I'll show him my neat trick, making my fist "disappear" into his chest cavity and pull out a human heart. So drop dead Criss Angel, or better yet, do one final trick. Make yourself invisible.....Forever, thanks.

Location: CT

At Western Conn. State University.

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