
Play in traffic SVC.

Ok, everyone probably hates their college a little bit, I'm with that group. I was having an O.K. night, when all of a sudden there is a knock on the door. It's one of the kids from my suite, Jess, saying there is a problem in my room and I have to deal with it. I go down there to discover a slightly intoxicated girl and a douchebag who will both remain nameless. I was going to walk her back to the room she left her purse in, but of course that didn't happen. I got tapped out (punched in the nuts) by douchebag. I hit the floor hard. Thank God he left, because that's the kind of shit someone will get themselves killed over. After putting some ice on my bruised testicles, I proceeded to walk her back halfway, well, more like limp. The only things keeping me sane right now are Corrie and this package of Oreos. Well, anyways, big match Saturday; I get to warm the bench. Goodnight.

Location: CT

At Western Conn. State University.

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