Yes, after seven of the longest weeks of my life, I have returned. I have to thank Heather for driving 5 or so hours to bring me home, so THANKS HEATHER. I thought coming home would be really cool, seeing all my friends, sleeping in my own bed, sleeping more than 3 hours etc. I came home and nearly cried because my mother took it upon herself to clean my entire room and turn it into some kind of frilly, squeaky clean guest room. Blah. Next, I found the parents had also gotten satellite TV and DSL. What the fuck? It's like the second I leave, they make it so I want to come back. Another thing, they weren't even home when I arrived and I've seen them for about an hour this whole weekend. I admit seeing the crew was good, and not having to pay $2.25 for laundry is nice, but as much as I hate SVC, I kind of want to go back. First you hate it, then you tolerate it, then you depend on it. Yeah, I depend on someone screaming random shit from the quad @ 4a.m. and class at 8:30 in the morning. Not. I'll be back there in a few days, and as soon as I get there, I'll want to come back.
It's more boring here than SVC....Damn that's bad.