The never ending fight.
That's all I hear around these parts. Espically because of the ALCS, it's even more frequent. Yes, I am a die hard Boston fan, but I don't care enough to scream and fight someone just because of the baseball team I like. I can only imagine if the Red Sox tie it up tonight, someone is going to get their shit ruined. Why can't anyone be a fan of a lesser popular team? I never hear, "Let's go Devil Rays!" or, "Go Pirates!" Wait, scratch that, one kid in my lounge actually likes them. He has the worst luck with his teams, Dolphins (0-6) and Pirates (just plain old suck), but I give him credit for not jumping on the banwagon like so many people here. There should be a limit to how many people can be Red Sox or Yankee fans, so we can have a more diverse group here. At least there won't be as many fights and there would also be less bitching about the same teams over and over again.
I believe Yankees fans are more aggressive here, they always want to fight a Boston fan for some reason. The Sox fans admit hating the Yankees, but aren't as violent. I watched a kid punch a bulletin board repetedly because the Yankees lost one game in this series. Is he fucking retarded? Punch a pillow, idiot. I doubt I would ever hit something because of the MLB. I would scream and stuff like that, but never throw my fists. That's just the mentallity here, wait, there is none. I keep forgetting i'm in ass-backwards Vermont, home of the dumbest gorup of people ever.
Can't wait till it's all over, I can finally get some sleep until next season.