
You and your fears.

Say you are lighting up a nice, fat, joint (sorry, not a pot smoker), when all of a sudden your pothead friend blurts out, "Hey man, Yellow lighters are bad luck". Then he proceeds to smash the lighter on the ground. What the fuck? This dumbass just smashed the one lighter you needed so you could forget the troubles of the day. Bad luck, no. Idiotic friend, yes. What, is a cop going to come running out of the woods brandishing a gun? Well, if he does just because you used a certain color of lighter that was supposedly "bad luck", give me a call. Whoever thinks that a certain color of lighters are "Bad luck" is a fucking retard and deserves to be bitten in the balls by an angry pitbull. I'd also like to find the person who came up with this low-quality lie and personally kick them in the nuts. Quality lighters are expensive, and I doubt anyone likes using matches or spending a dollar and a half for one. I think a while ago, my dipshit younger brother smashed a white lighter, claiming bad luck, and his fat Mormon friend landed a swift kick to his nuts. So if anyone you know smashes a lighter because of this reason, piss on them. Yep, pull down your pants and rinse them clean with a golden shower, because they deserve it. Colored lighters and slow minds don't mix.

P.S. Don't bother to message me and say this or any of these articles suck, because I didn't hold a gun to your head to read it, and I really don't care. The end.

Location: CT

At Western Conn. State University.

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