Dane Cook was onto something.
Dane Cook is a man who makes me laugh. One of his well known bits, the Monopoly gag, was by far one of the best lines he could have ever concocted in the existence of human beings. "Fuck this game Grandma! Grampa, Nana is a cheating whore!" I love it. Anyways, the other night, my friends and I just figured we would play a game of Monopoly because there was nothing else to do that seemed as fun, so we set it up and started playing. I swear by the end we all wanted to kill one another because of something that happened in the game. I conclude: MONOPOLY BREAKS UP FRIENDSHIPS. A few pieces of paper and some little plastic hotels/houses could have some whipping out the shotgun and launching old friends into the great beyond. Damn those Parker Brothers, or Milton Bradley, whoever is to blame. And come to think of it, this was probably the 2nd or 3rd time ever that I have actually won/finished a full game in one night. It's a good thing to get pissed off, so you don't spend all your time playing some stupid game with all the money you WON'T make and go get a real life or something. But seriously, playing more than one game of Monopoly a month...Somebody call 911, because we might have an emergency on our hands.
P.S. I beat Shane with the help of Jeff the pirate and Evan the Panda, so I won't take all the credit for it. Later.