Call Now For A Waste Of Time.
I was about to go to sleep, but right before I turned off the T.V. a commercial with a hot chick came on. So like any other guy, I stared at her chest for the whole thirty seconds she was on. She was promoting some crap about meeting, "That special someone," over the phone. These commercials always show gorgeous girls chatting away. For some reason, I just don't see that happening. First, really, really hot girls go out and hook up with guys, not over the phone. They also aren't watching re-runs of South Park on WCTX at 12:30 in the morning. The only "sexy singles" you're going to find are obese hicks with three ex-wives, looking to score and really desperate women living in trailer parks. Sorry, but in the real world, you actually have to go outside to meet a person whom might want to carry on your genes of stupidity and ignorance. To make it even worse, they have the nerve to only charge men, like the women I'm going to talk to are actually worth two dollars to connect. So please use a phone dating service to try and find a mate, chances are that it is not going to work. The only reasons you should be using it are if:
A) You are so ugly that society has given up on you.
B) Getting out of the house is not an option (you're too fucking fat)