My Best Friend Was Jesus.
I have a story to tell you about a man, a man who came out from nothing to be self-proclaimed reincarnation of our lord and savior, Jesus, A.K.A. J.C. Foster. This is all true, there is no need for any embellishing because there is no way a person can make this kind of shit up. First, you must understand that these people are indeed out of their fucking minds. J.C. First came to be my friend when I was 8 and lived a mile away from the house where he was living in Moosup, CT. He had 2 wives at this point, and they spent the days spray painting psalms such as, "The End Is Near," on the sides of the house (post year 2000). J.C. Really didn't own the house, but took advantage of a senile old man who actually believed that he was Jesus. I would go visit J.C. every Halloween, and he would give me a piece of bread and tell me that it was, "Part of his body," so I just threw it back in his lawn. Some of his neighbors said that one of his wives, or, "Sisters," had a baby, but they buried it in the backyard. That is such a lie, I know for a fact that J.C. eats babies, he doesn't let anything go to waste. A few years later, J.C. was kicked out of the home after the old man whom I called dumbass, finally died. J.C. And his sister hoes had to live in an old folks' home for a couple years after that. I had forgotten about my dear friend until I saw his toothless grin on the news at 10 because he got kicked out and put in jail. I never laughed harder when one of the officers stepped on his robe (They all wore white robes with white veils and shoes) and he called the cop, "A stupid ass cracker". I don't think the reincarnation of Jesus would be saying such harsh words, then again, he was crucified, and that hurts like a bitch, so I guess he is inclined to saying some mean shit from time to time. He was then put in jail for a while on some bogus charge of illegally living in the apartments for old people, and during that time, one of his sisters died of cancer. I was sad, but then confused. Couldn't the REAL Jesus bring people back to life? Recently, I spent a day with the former crackhead African-American man and his only surviving lover, "Sister Rachel," an ex-stripper who still looks like she has the goods. I needed to know an answer to something that bothered me for years, so I decided to ask the man who came from heaven, or the Ghetto of New York. I asked him why he had to buy wine at the package store instead of turning it from water, and he just looked at me like I was retarded and said, "I have no time for this business little man, I need to do me some curing". He actually said that. I was stunned as he walked out of the park where he currently lives to go buy communion wine from the package store. Well, he really doesn't live IN the park, but in a tank that was from WWII that just happens to be in the park. So my friendship died that day, but every time I'm passing the park, I make sure to beep my horn and wave, because after all, he's still my savior.
Oh JC Foster
what a silly man
in two truths and a lie
i always say how i lived next door to jesus. because i lived a town over from ol JC
We recently moved to Moosup and got the shock of our lives at our first sight of black jesus. Then somone told us his real name and we googled it. We just had a baby and are now concerned that hes going to eat her. God help us for moving to moosup ct.
My mother is Sister Rachel's twin sister. Her real name is Tereasa Hoffman. Sadly to say, this is the most true account I've heard of them and their life. It's sad as hell, and my cousins have to suffer every day for what JC does, and how their mother acts. (on a side note, he doesn't eat babies, but that is the most creative thing I've heard) Needless to say, thanks for being honest. I hate people who embelish them. They really arn't good people, and they really screwed up my family.
This "sister rachel" is my husbands mother...yes I am married to her wonderful someone like her could have ever let a family so loving go I will never understand...we now have three children and never in my right mind can I wrap myself around her actions...the one thing I am thankful to her for is having my sister in law, my brother in law, and my wonderfully loving husband and I pity that she will never have the joy of knowing and loving her grandchildren....its sad really.
If only everyone knew the entire truth...the problem is most people don't know and to say they are harmless is just proof that you're ignorant. No human being could have done the things they have done to their own flesh and blood and still be considered harmless. One of the worst things about Theresa "Rachel" is that she gave away her five children, claiming God told her to do it, then she turned around and got pregnant time and again with J C, claiming she was immaculately conceived. She claims to not even be the mother of her older five children. She takes no responsibility for the pain and suffering that she has caused them. If she were going to behave in this manner after walking out on her kids, the least she could have done was to move far away where they wouldn't have to deal with it. Her children had to see her walking the streets, hear the stories about her, and they had to deal with the kids at school who would discuss it and even make fun of them for it.
All I can say is, for bible preaching people, their behavior is the farthest from how the bible teaches us to be. I have read a lot of comments on several sights about the two of them and many people have said that they are harmless or they are really nice people. If only you all knew the real story...
Plainfield is easily the best town in all of Connecticut. I miss it everyday.
u r retarded my poor friend... i hope u die in a horrible painfull death and go to hell where u will be burning in a bag with flesh eating ants and enjoying there your painfull non-ending tortury for the rest of your life. when u will reincarnate after "certain" time, u will wake up in the same bag with ants, burning in undestinguishable fire and realizing that u are trapped in an never ending loop that will go on till the end of time... and no one will miss u :)
What ever happened to JC Foster?
I dated Sister Rachel's daughter. I won't say her name, but Sister Rachel called her by the name "Faith" instead of her real name.
JC was a bad man. I don't want to get into a lot of details because I know too much. Long story short he's a really messed up guy, Sister Rachel is a really messed up woman, and they are (were) absolutely the opposite of what they said they were. The 3 kids of hers that I knew from dating her daughter were pretty damaged. They grew up to be good, decent, normal people though, thankfully.
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