
I Hate Society.

Simply put, I hate society. I hate when people get in my way when they're on the phone and have to stop in place and yell as if they were on fire. I hate people who stop next to eachother on a MAIN ROAD and talk, so there is no room for me to get by. They could always pull over to talk, but NOOOO, they're just too good for that. Of course I had to come within inches of one of them and give him the finger, but he had it coming. I hate those crowded masses of people that linger in Supermarkets like a disease that just can't be cured. I hate all those loud, annoying, STUPID people who wear those mass-produced, " You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same," T-shirts think it's funny to yell and get in my way when I'm trying to get something off a shelf. I hate those unsupervised kids who run into me and run away without saying sorry. If any of these traits apply to you, do me a favor and GET DEAD. I feel better now.


Blogger Daemon said...

You hit the nail on the head... If you don't follow the norm of society, whether its being a bible thumper, not questioning what you are being told, and doing something simply because you've been told to do it...

Some of our greatest minds weren't doing what they were told, but rather tested the limitations, and now our generations are full of hackers who have very little guidance...

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here i am drinking a faxe, listening to old time blues. Im fairly drunk, infactly, in very drunk, and im alone. Of late life is to me is like that dryed up orange you may or may not have in your house, you can just crush it. and it will crush.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate society! Everyone discriminates against things you can't change (you don't choose to have autism, do you?)

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i completely agree i hate society because everybody is so fake and such hypocrites. but yet when i'm without my friends i feel so lonely and sad that nothing can me feel better except being with some few people. yet at points i hate them for some inexplicable reason and wish they were dead and then we argue and then they dont talk to me then i wish i had never argued with them. wat is my problem can someone help me?? and yes i hate society i wish i was a dictator one day!!

aim me thedarklord13

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Society is voluntary, make something better and be ready to defend it with the tooth and claw violence of 14 billion years of cosmic evolution.

Or just die and let us all suck to death in your absence.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being in society consists of being forced into a generic box, a 'one size fits all' plan, and if it doesn't fit you, your wrong. Being a statistic. Check this out, www.libertymyth.webs.com. Its very much linked.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im part of society. That sucks. I hate me too.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why I prefer to be alone

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Human society is peaking... there are more bodies and mouths to feed than history has seen prior.
Were running out of food, Natural Resources and intelegent government bodies... I wont go on, but i just want to say and point out...

This planet, Terra Therma... is fucked!

When will you realise - You dont own it... You Cant BUY it... and You have no Right to put any value on it...
Doing so adds missery to the lives of not just Mankind but the best part of a few million Breeds and Species

A personal Thanks to all those who made it possible, our future generation is, or, and are screwed - Keep up the good work!


5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are we related?

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say society worthless.
I am a visible minority, and you know what, I don't care. I never use the "easy way out" society seems to think I should have.

I have had enough of people complaining about racial, slurs, and comments about homosexuals, and other people who stand out.

What the hell else is there to talk about. I don't want to see people's heads bashed in on the street, I just want people to grow the fuck up and take a joke.

If someone insults me, or whispers shit about me at work or whatever (and it does happen almost every day) I usually don't care, sometimes it's funny, often in bad taste. I actually look for a chance to join in sometimes send one back at em.

Now we have the problem where there are these "special people" at jobs, who make others lives miserable because they know they are exempt from the rules.

Try complaining about a black guy, or even someone like me at a workplace in canada. really, try it. No matter what they did, no matter how out there, YOUR the bad person, and your the one who needs to be more "sensitive.

Fuck sensitivity, I am female, and of course get the usual comments from men, because, well, they notice. Any why shouldn't they. Women have tits, because..... well for the large number who never breast feed a child, TO LOOK AT.

Why should I care? If they don't touch, whatever. Phisical violance is a different thing. That I do not like. However, I think if people could speak their mind, and say they hate blacks, gays, transexuals, hispanics, asians, or whoever, or whatever they consider to be laughable, or just stupid and well gay, to use a word that is getter harder to get away with, They might be less interested in committing what we call "hate crimes" these days, because they could get it out of their system.

People have been making fun of eachother, and thinking they were better than the rest since the beginning of the human race likely. why should we stop now.

Fuck society, fuck the social contract. Fuck everyone, all off it, and if someone wants to call me every dirty name in the book, BRING it on, I'll laugh, like people are supposed to do, and hopefully someone will laugh with me.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who say "shut up you are a part of society" are wrong. I am not a part of your fucked up technologic world that has destroyed the natural lovely alternative that used to bestow true happyness. I am only a part physically, when the opportunity to dissasociate arrives, i'm gone. If that opportunity doesn't seem like its going to come, i'm going to have to escape or kill myself.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate that everyone (99% of society) are zombies... they dont know themselves and so can not find true happyness. they are conditioned to live in this material world and so follow all the mainstream garbage that gets thrown at them.
Wish I could get away and live like a monk.. maybe i will.

1:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

simply put i hate society and everyone in it

3:13 PM  
Anonymous gazz said...


4:53 AM  
Blogger Daemon said...

Every chance given to some of these people, the chance, the possible enlightenment... the experience, I swear is just another way for some of the sick...sick people to come out of the shadows, and we know they exists from sites like chatroulette, and from even more revolting acts on society can be found all over the world, from any form of media... to your next door neighbor, you have to remember that you don't want to be exposed to, involved with or related too then, don't resort to them for entertainment. Theres plenty of ways to associate with healthy, normal human beings...

What I am finding is that when you associate with other people, open up to how they really are, and really caring, then people are generally really caring and can really turn even themselves around just to reciprocate your "friendship". But problem people still exists....

1:53 AM  
Blogger Daemon said...

I've learned to be open too life experiences... maybe to the point that could be considered 'unhealthy' or 'obsessive'... but I'm personally convinced, committed to and understanding Synchronicity, and what I'm finding are several people on the very same path/interest and open to some of the ideas and possibilities to a purpose to things like lifes deepest questions... But you also have people that couldn't possible be bothered to question or think for them selves, if at lease once in their lives, and feel this is all that their is and quite possibly be willing to give it all up, or take advantage of it, and as long as you can recognize it, avoid it and not be taken advantage of by others, then I think your on the right path.

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what i hate most about society more than anything is that people won't leave me alone. i just want to run around outside all day, and if i die the next day i'm okay with it, why can't society be. if people in society want to live like it tells them to, then fine, but just let me live my own life my own way.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved reading these as i felt it was just me ,dysfuntional,was into the sex pistols in 77 still listen to them now but drive like a twat if its in the car i blame them but they were so cool destined to a life of lonlyness watching films instead of normal telly its so shite,go out occaisionally with the few mates i have and do really enjoy it,im 52 drive an evo and have just decided to give up work

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No use ranting about something if you're not gonna change it is what I say...

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear not all, for you can revel in the idea that every society throughout history has eventually DIED. What makes anyone think this one is any different!, the world is also collapsing before our very eyes and our extinction is inevitable unless we change our ways. Remember our planet was around billions of years before humans, and will be around billions to come with or without us. I wonder what the next dominant species will be and will they acknowledge the different races or see us as one destructive virus to be eradicated completely without a thought.

Something to think about!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon, how many people do you know hate autistic people? Might be a few, but the majority don't discriminate. I think you're confusing the fucktards with society. Yes, unfortunately they are a part of society, but only a small percentage. I hate it when people say society is fucked up, it's not, it's just those fucktards.

And whenever I'm an "unsupervised kid" and I knock into someone, I always apologize. And, I never judge people with autism, simply for having autism.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hate society so much, I just want to do my own thing and not let society interfere.

Why should we "conform to society when it has no intention of changing?

The only time I'll "conform", is when people change. Until then, piss off and leave us all alone.

We don't need society telling us what we can and cannot do. That's called brainwashing.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't split you and people, because you are not the alien from deep space. But people are not society.Society is wide range of instructions and prohibitions which made to standartise you to favorable, usable model.

4:19 PM  

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