Wow I hate Cats.
For the past 18 years, this family has insisted on having atleast one cat on the premises at all times. We've had cats come and go, one dying at the age of 22 last year. Theres only one of them left, my stupid fatass cat Sassy. She used to be fun, now shes just downright annoying. I don't mean annoying as in always wanting to be petted, well that too, but it won't leave my room, always nudges me when i'm trying to sleep, and has the worst meow type noise I have ever heard on an animal. The only thing it is useful for is keeping my feet warm when its cold outside. I think I finally figured out why my parents named my cat sassy. S.A.S.S.Y. is how its supposed to be spelled.
Son of a bitch
Yeah...couldn't think of anything for Y.
So in conclusion, I really hate my cat. I wish it would die....soon. I should play a game called hit-the-cat-with-a-shovel-and-see-how-long-it-takes-the-parents-to-realize-its-gone. My guess...never, they hate it too, what do you think?
You know what makes your life suck? You. It's all about perspective and drive. It doesn't matter for what you strive, only that you see your goals to conclusion. You've just got to let the little things go, and fuck whatever anybody else thinks. Your continued misanthropism belies your dependence on society.
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