Here is a list of my favorite things, use them to your advantage.
Movie: Gotta be Bloodsport, ass-kicking, blood spewing true story about Van Damme fighting in Hong Kong. He even hooks up with a hottie reporter. DAAAAAMMMNNNN.
Album: Siren Songs of the Counter Culture by Rise Against. Pretty much any song by them I really like. This CD was the 1st one I was hooked on and I suggest you check it out if you like Punk.
Food: Gotta love the Chicken grinder from Johnny's in Brooklyn. Heaven for $7.45. If I had money right now and they were open at this hour, I'd go get one.
Activity: Playing those damn videogames, which have accounted for 75% of all the time I waste everyday. Madden '05 and SSX3 are the 2 I'm playing right now.
Class: Hate to say it, but probably Anatomy. I learn things, enough said.
Beverage: Non-Alcoholic, Mountain Dew. Alcoholic: I kind of like the Irish Carbombs, gotta represent the Mick in me.
Junk Food: Big ass bag of BBQ Fritos.....Except for the mess they leave on my fingers.
Time of Day: 3:30 A.M. Everything is quiet and peaceful, and my electric blanket is quite comfy.
Saying: Lately, "Good for you?! Good for us!" developed in Canada...Can't really remember how.
Person: can't say I found her yet. One of these days.
OK, now onto the things I hate.
Waking up, Loud people, Homework, Country( TO THE EXTREME) any sappy movie where no one gets killed/maimed, green apple anything, working, paying for stuff I don't want (books mostly) Snow because its cold and hurts my car, being poor, forgetting to do something important, and when I electrocuted myself by accident today...Poor finger.
The End
See ya, sleep now.
P.s. I put this back up yesterday...55 views since then...Wow.
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